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“Climate Change” #40, February-March 2013 PDF Print E-mail

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Main topics:

- 23 March 2012 - World Meteorological Day “Watching the weather to protect life and property Celebrating 50 years of World Weather Watch” Message by M. Jarraud, Secretary-General of WMO

- «Climatic aspects of black carbon»– interview with Prof. Igor Karol, Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory of Roshydromet, Saint Petersburg

- «Roshydromet report on the peculiarities of climate in the Russian Federation for 2012

- Scientific conference with international participation "The application of space-monitoring technologies for the Arctic regions’ development" (Аrkhangelsk, 17-19 September 2013)

Among other topics: • The first meeting of Interdepartmental taskforce under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of climate change and sustainable development • The meeting of leading authors of the Second Assessment Report on climate change and its consequences of Roshydromet took place • Prospects of production of dump gas on Moscow landfill • Information on new scientific publications •  Latest publications in the scientific journal of Roshydromet “Meteorology and Hydrology” #2 of 2013 • Interesting website: experimental forecast of air pollution – new section of Hydrometcenter’s website • Announcements of upcoming scientific conferences


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